Kilbarchan and Howwood District News

2nd Kilbarchan Rainbows: The girls collected donations of food for a visitor from the Foodbank who came to give them a talk.

They also participated in a Tesco Farm to Fork evening. They are enjoying sending and receiving cards as part of the 30th Birthday Card 

3rd Kilbarchan Guides: ‘Wicked’ was the theme of their recent residential with all things green. The girls have also undertaken an evening of 1st Aid Training and had a visit from a Peer Educator.

Semple Senior Section: The girls have had a Think Resilient session and are taking part in Rise to the Challenge. Clara Burke has completed her Chief Guide Award. Some of the girls have participated in Poacher as staff.

Kilbarchan Trefoil Guild: The ladies had a memorable visit to Gurdwara Sikh Temple where they were made very welcome. They had a particularly moving talk from Kilbarchan Pipe Band on their trip to the Somme where they laid a wreath in memory of a Kilbarchan Scout who didn’t return from battle. Finally, the silver surfers had a web safety talk.

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