

A Wee Day OOT

Maureen Buchanan “We had a brilliant time yesterday. Thanks for all the work you put into it. Can we do itagain?” This is a quote

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A great time was had by all 600 attendees and helpers at the recent RenChox event held by the County at our South Newton Activity

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Around five gold balloons with "50" on them, displayed in a garden

Annual Review 2021

It’s that time of year again! We hope you enjoy reading about what the county have been up in the past year!

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Several painted toilet rolls lined up on the floor. They are painted like mosters such as Frankenstein and pumpkins.

Halloween in Greenock 2021

Spooky shenanigans were to be had all across Renfrewshire last week in celebration of Hallowe’en, from pumpkin carving to ghoulish scavenger hunts!

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A sign that says "South Newton", in the background is Lomas, (a large bungalow)

South Newton is Shining!

Over the past couple of months, volunteers across Renfrewshire have been hard at work at South Newton making it ready for the new season.

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Black and white image of a farm house behind a small wall with a barn in the bakcground

The beginnings of South Newton

On this 50th Birthday of South Newton, we would like to tell you a little of the history of the South Newton and how it came to be in the possession of Girlguiding Renfrewshire.

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Text on white bubble with tartan background: "I'm bored in the hoose, just want tae let loose..."

“Lock Doon”

Lucy from the 23rd Greenock Brownies has been learning all about Roberts Burns whilst at school and wrote a piece about the hardship of lockdown in Scots to honour Robert Burns.

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